Transit is about love when you're depressed. You get so attached to someone you know they'll never love you and you feel like a planet spinning around them though you want to stop loving them. It is a real transit of planets
enter is the start of depression or sadness and you want a way out but you don't know how, it officially opens the album as a door
Eclipse eclipse is the ziz story, you still love that person, or even another like a friend or anything and you'd do anything to help them but nobody would for you
Basilica it is a cry for help when everything is falling down, a temporary place to be safe but not for long
Parking Lot parking lot is during an escape you think of hiding yourself and runaway will help, but it doesn't
Subterra subterra is again trying to hide further underground in your own mind and finding a whole world of darkness, it is solitude, loneliness, feeling worthless, it is the subconscious
Arce Obscura it is from latin, a dark castle, it is connected with the highest stage: blue lake. Arce Obscura is the deepest place in that subterrain world, it is the armour of faking not being okay
Blue Lake blue lake is the edge of that world, the step between ending it all or still trying to fight depression even though you can't do it anymore, it is the most sad place you will ever be inside your mind, in this lake your thoughts sink and there's no sight to see. It is trying to hold your breath underneath water and knowing you're wasting time that you can't take back when you're going to die anyway
Pure pure is linked with blue lake as the actual end of everything, to accept that everything is going to go and that everything will die and be okay with it. pure is kinda the middle way between death and life, you've got so deep into your own mind, you can't go out. not only that you leave the weight behind but it already made some damage, so you keep going on with life, healing slowly, accepting that everything dies and you will die. pure is a supernova, an explosion that turns you into your purest form: dust, and you're akay with it
Blackpath blackpath was a critic of how people success and go far even though they're assholes and treat bad everybody just so they can get high, is a critic of how to get to success you have to be bad
Ave Maria the whole album is really modern era dark medieval pop, so it fits with the concept of praying and crying for help to 'god' when he/she's not going to do anything for you. it is the blinded faith of something going to safe when actually it may happen sometimes, but this time it doesn't and it hits you hard with reality. Also, I really liked the drums and synth, so I added it