viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016


I'm working right now on my new EP, 'DARKAXIS', I hope it will come out soon, but I'm an all-producer/singer(?)/songwriter/publisher all on my own so I have to do so much before it is finished. It might come out between the 29th December and the 20th of January.

Maybe it gets difficult for me and gets delayed to february.. WHO KNOWS? Right know I have already 2 songs, one of the is 'Isa why are you so sad?' which you can listen to this cringy demo I've uploaded:

I'm working on two more songs, one of them is about to get finished and the other one stills there XD
I wanted to make a five-songs EP, but I'll make it in 4 so it will be finished between those dates.

Also I'm going to make 4 videos for all the songs IF it gets to a 4-song EP, but I DON'T EVEN KNOW MYSELF whats going to happen >.<''

I will keep you all up making some entrys as I finish the record :3

Bye for now!! ❤


All my vomitive stuff:


_*/❤ SCP RTS ND SF PLCS ❤\*_

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