jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016


Hi! Today I want to share with all of you my second song, it is called 'Try your call again' from my first self-produced EP ''Lost''. It started as a demo/experimental track, but I was ending my EP and didn't come up with something new to change it, or even add more lyric to it, so here it is:

Hope you'd like it <3

           TRY YR CLL GN

If you want to check out my own songs, you can do it here:    Lost EP (Playlist) :

Escape routes and safe places
Try your call again

+ [Also, this video is hidden from public in purpose. Maybe I'll re-upload it public in the future.]


All my vomitive stuff:

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/numbxers/
BANDCAMP: https://numbxers.bandcamp.com/
VINE: https://vine.co/ManuAyDiohMioh
TW: https://twitter.com/numb_ers
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/numbxers

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